About Us
3Dimensional Scanning and Manufacturing is committed to providing high-precision 3D scanning, 3D design, 3D inspection and 3D printing applications in the fields of industrial manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, art and heritage, science and forensics, and precision medicine.
We have the knowledge, expertise, software and equipment to help with your individual needs. Whether you require reverse engineering to produce a functional CAD model or a scan to produce a STL file for printing we can help.
Proof of Concept
Whether it is an old mold with no drawings which needs to be reproduced or a custom component designed to fit an existing product, 3D scanning is the most cost effective way to achieve the end result, while 3D Printing brings it to physical life. The process is completely unintrusive, safe, quiet and environmentally friendly.
At 3Dimensional, we understand that some jobs are too big, too fragile, or too sensitive to send to the 3Dimensional lab. No problem. We’ll send our 3D Scanning team to you! Our scanning systems are portable and designed to travel. We provide services in Canada and Worldwide.